The Class of 1983 met at University College Church on St Stephen’s Green at 5.30 for a pre-dinner mass celebrated by Fr Abbot Christopher Dillon. The sermon was about Ascension and was most enlightening. Our surprise acolyte was Gavin Early in full dress and Donough O’Donovan read both readings and the responsorial psalm so both deserved their dinner and drinks later.
Charlie Cunningham delighted everyone by bringing his wife and 4 young children to mass, which reminded us all of how the next generation will carry on long after we are gone.
Our little group then crossed St Stephen’s Green to the Residence where we had our own private room and bar where the Leinster vs Osprey’s match was being shown. Of interest, most forewent the match to chat to old mates and especially Fr Christopher around the bar – it seems that catching up with friends is one of the few things that keeps us from sport!
The stragglers arrived (you know who you are) and soon we were being ushered to our seats for dinner. 26 Old Boys (from a class of 33) and Fr Abbott Christopher stood for Grace after which we all enjoyed a good meal, fine wine and great friends. At 11.30, we were mobilised back to the bar and next I recall it was 4am and we were being asked to leave! In the intervening 4 hours, faces were familiar, friendly and everyone had fun. However, a special cheers has to go to Richard Hutch (Canberra, Australia), Patrick Hyland (Bermuda, USA), John Ball (UAE) and even our European travellers like David Lind from Italy not to mention all the UK travellers. Those of us fortunate enough to be surviving here in Ireland still left family to join old schoolmates to recall a brief period in our lives that will stay with us for ever – when we were boys, Glenstal Boys!
See you all in 2023 in Limerick for the 40th – volunteers apply within. Dermot McCaffrey