Giving to GOBS

The Glenstal Old Boys Society is a non-profit voluntary organisation. We are not a registered charity.

Donations are welcomed and possible in a number of ways. Your donation will be used to fund benevolent causes as well as general essential  expenses. It will NOT be used to fund specific projects.

Increased donations will allow the Society to undertake new projects and initiatives. So like polling day – DONATE early and often!

Once-off Online Donation – secure and simple. Click on the Donate button below. You do not need a PayPal account. You can use your credit/debit card with the full safety and security provided by PayPal.

Monthly €5 Online Donation – secure and simple. Click on the Subscribe button below. You will need a PayPal account, so that you can cancel at any time. It only takes a few minutes to set up.

Electronic Transfer – if you wish to make an EFT deposit or recurring contribution by standing order please contact us for details.

Cheque – send a cheque made payable to “Glenstal Old Boys Society” to Br Denis Hooper, Glenstal Old Boys Society, Glenstal Abbey, Murroe, Co Limerick

Bequest/Will – morbid it may seem but an often over-looked method of funding is through your will. Please get legal advice before you adopt this option.