Did you know that:
- The Society currently has a credit balance of approximately 8,000 euro.
- In the past 3 years the Hardship Benevolent Fund has provided approximately €6,000 to needy Old Boys, as well as regular donations to charities (eg Simon Community). This is a very important aspect of what the Society does.
- The cost to print and post a Newsletter (based on Spring 2013 rates) is 2,200 euro. Postal rates have risen since then!
- Postage costs alone to distribute Ubique 2015 to every Old Boy are estimated in excess of 4,000 euro.
- The sole source of income comes from just 64 members who make regular standing order contributions. These currently amount to approximately 6,000 euro per annum.
- There are approximately 275 Old Boys for whom we have no recorded email address.